Red Wheelbarrow is accepting submissions!
Come share your creativity with us! We are now accepting poetry (please submit 205), fiction or non-fiction (5000 word max), art, and photography.
E-mail submissions to, with subject heading "SUBMISSION: poetry/fiction/nonfiction/art/photography" (choose ONE). Please attach each submission in a separate file, with no personal information in the attachment, as a .doc or .docx file.
Include a 200-word author bio in the body of the e-mail.
Submissions close January 30, 2012.
Publish with Chinquapin!
Chinquapin, the longest running literary publication at UCSC, is accepting poetry, prose (5 page max), photography, and art. Send us your work!
Submissions close January 15, 2012.
Matchbox Magazine is a UC-wide compilation of prose, poetry, and artwork by UC students. Based at UC Santa Cruz, we publish a print magazine that we distribute to the entire UC system. Strike up your inspiration and light our fire by sending your work to
To be included in the Spring 2012 issue, please adhere to these guidelines:
*Submit poetry or prose to as a .doc or .odt attachment.
*Less is more -- we have limited space so short pieces are more than welcome! Prose should not be more than 2000 words long, or 3 pages. Poetry should be less than 2 pages.
*Photographs, paintings, and digital art should be sent as a TIFF, PNG, or JPG/JPEG file attached to the email.
*This year's deadline is February 1st.
*We do not exclude any genre, however, we look for prose that makes us feel that the story is complete, functional, and well-thought-out.
Note: We are not affiliated with Matchbook Story, the Santa Cruz magazine
that publishes a short story inside of a matchbox, but if super-short
form is your thing, we invite you to check it out!
UCSC Literary Magazines Now Accepting Submissions!
Publish your work with a UCSC Literary Magazine
November 29, 2011