José Antonio Villarán has been accepted to a 2021 Mellon-funded Modern Language Association Summer Institute (at Sonoma State) to strengthen the teaching of English at access-oriented institutions (AOIs)—colleges that prioritize access over selectivity in admissions.
These institutes:
- provide new and future faculty members with an understanding of the needs and circumstances of students at AOIs, who are primarily first-generation collegians, Pell Grant recipients, and students of color;
- provide new and future faculty members with intensive training in pedagogical theory and practices for the teaching of writing and reading together to improve writing instruction at AOIs and to nurture the study of the humanities in diverse educational settings;
- develop strategies for locally sustaining the collaborations started by the institutes; and
- renew conversation in the profession about relations among literature, composition, and the humanities and build stronger connections between introductory writing courses and upper-level humanities courses.