M. NourbeSe Philip Visits UCSC
November 28, 2012
Dear Campus Community:
As the kickoff celebration for the UC Presidential Chair in Feminist Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, please join us for a reception and a night of Poetry & Music with the poet, novelist, and playwright, M. NourbeSe Philip.
The events will take place on November 29th. The reception will be held from 4:45-5:45 PM in Humanities 210, then the performance will take place as part of the Living Writers Series from 6-7:45 PM in the Humanities Lecture Hall.
Dean Ladusaw and Professors Bettina Aptheker and Karen Yamashita (Co-Chairs of the UC Presidential Chair in Feminist Critical Race and Ethnic Studies) will give opening remarks. Professor David S. Marriott will introduce M. NourbeSe Philip, who will be accompanied by the musicians Professor Karlton Hester and David Smith. After the performance, there will be a brief audience Q & A hosted by Visiting Assistant Professor Ronaldo V. Wilson.
M. NourbeSe Philip is a poet, essayist, novelist and playwright who lives in the space-time of the City of Toronto. She practised law in the City of Toronto for seven years before leaving to write full-time. She has published poetry, fiction, drama, and non-fiction. Among her best known published works are She Tries Her Tongue; Her Silence Softly Breaks, Looking for Livingstone: An Odyssey of Silence, and Harriet's Daughter, a young adult novel. Her most recent work, Zong!, is a genre-breaking, book-length poem which engages with ideas of the law, history and memory as they relate to the transatlantic slave trade.
We hope you can join us, and please see the attached poster for further details!
Ronaldo V. Wilson
Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Literature